
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Jasmina Delčeva - Dizdarević

Prof. dr Jasmina Delčeva Dizdarević, rođena je u Skoplju 1963. godine. Diplomirala je 1985. godine, a magistrirala 1991. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta „Св. Кирил и Методиј” u Skoplju. U decembru 1992. godine zaposlila se na pomenutom fakultetu kao asistent na Pedagoškom institutu. Doktorsku disertaciju na temu Metodika nastave od I do IV razreda kroz razvoj osnovnog obrazovanja u Makedoniji, odbranila je juna 2000. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Skoplju, čime je stekla zvanje doktora pedagoških nauka. U zvanje docenta izabrana je u maju 2001. godine, a za vanrednog profesora 2005. godine. Od jula 2010. godine je redovni profesor na Pedagoškom institutu, Filozofskog fakulteta u Skoplju.

Profesionalni angažmani:

– Member of the National Commission for Textbooks, MES, 2019

– Member of the working group for adoption of bylaws on the Law on Primary Education, MES, 2019

– Certificate for IPSOVTIM, Improving Pedagogical skills of VET teachers in Macedonia, (MKLLP- LDV- A.24. – 2012-2013)

– General Director of Macedonian, ESA, Employment Service Agency Skopje, 2005 – 2006

– Study visit, Jerusalem, Year of Educational Technology, MASHAV, 1999

– expert / team member, National Project: “Support to the reforms in primary education in the Republic of Macedonia”. Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Nansen Dialogue Center Skopje. (2017-2018)

– expert / team member International project: “Improving the quality of physical education at the level of primary education and presenting its importance and significance for the health and well-being of future generations”. Erasmus + K2: 2017-1-MKO1-KA201-035380. University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”, Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health-Skopje. (2017-2019).

– expert / member of the team “Networking of pedagogues from R. Macedonia and research of educational needs to strengthen their professional competencies ″. Institute of Pedagogy / Faculty of Philosophy, 2016

– еxpert, part of team Project LLP/Leonardo da Vinci programme, VETPRO mobility project for Improving pedagogical skills of VET teachers in the Republic of Macedonia 2013-2014

– expert / team member Education Database Institute of Pedagogy / Faculty of Philosophy, 2013

– expert / team member, Improving the competencies of teachers and leadership skills of principals in secondary vocational schools. Jawaskula University of Finland and Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Pedagogy 2011-2012

– еxpert, part of team, Donor conference, NY York, UN and Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Employment for youth, 2006

– еxpert, part of team, National Employment Project in collaboration with government Sweden, CARDS II, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005-2006

– еxpert, part of team, “I love my city”,UNDP, АVRM, Skopje Macedonia. 2006

– еxpert, part of team, Modernization of education, МОN and World bank, 2005, Skopje, Macedonia

– еxpert, part of team, Building a network of education in SEE Balkan, 2001-2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia

– еxpert, part of team, Development of curricula for professional pedagogical development of teachers, 2001 – 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia

– еxpert, part of team Integration of children with special needs in regular schools, UNICEF – MES 1998 – 1999

– еxpert, part of team, Approaches towards Visual Thinking Strategy, FIOSM – MES 1996 – 1999



Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Dizdarevikj V., The Power of a Story in the Function of Language Literacy, Zivot i skola, casopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja obrazovanja, Vol. LXV No. 1-2, Osijek, pg. 201-205, 2020

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Dizdarevikj V. The method of Global Reading from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, SCOPUS – CiteScore 2017 = 0,10, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, (IJCRSEE), Vol.6, No.1, 2018 pg. 61-66., 2018

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J. Analysis the Math Curriculum in the primary Educational Cycles, IJERT, (International Journal For education, Research and Training, ISSN 1857 – 9841, Volume 2, Skopje, pg.170-176, 2016.

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J.Usage of the Internet in Education in Didactics of Science in the first Educational Cycle Conference on Educational Research and Social Sciences- YILDIZ University, pg , 2014

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J. Classroom management, Global Impact Factor for 2013=0.514

IJCRSEE (International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education), pg.51-55, 2014

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J.The Compatibility of the School Programs with the Course books for Macedonian Language in grades 1 and 2, 12-th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balkan Countries: Policy and Practice., , Faculty of Philosophy, pg. 181-187, (2013)

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Evaluation of the Process of Literati on in the First Grade of Primary School, BASOPED, Serbia, pg. 297- 291, (2011)

Делчева-Диздаревиќ, Ј., Ангелоска-Галевска, Н., Инклузивното образование – потреба во современатa едукација, Парадигми Сучаснои педагогики – наукова конференција., Министерство Освити и Науки Украини, (2010)

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Quality School and Creativity, Conference Talented and Gifted Creators of Progress (Theory and Practice), University St.Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, pg. 293-298, 2009

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Inclusive Education – Police and Practice, Further Education in The Balkan Countries, Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, pg. 33-46, (2009)

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, “Multicurtilar Education”, European unification and educational challenges in the Balkans,No.8, Publishing House,Kyriakidis Brothers s.a., Thesaloniki, pg137-145 (2007)

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Quality in Curriculum and Teaching, Balcan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Sofia, pg. 457-466, 2004

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Drafting New curricula in South-East Europe Final Report of the Regional seminar, IBE, CEPS, UNESCO International Bureau of education, 2003

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Scientific Gathering on: Humanistic thoughts and social strategy – conditions and perspectives, Creativity of the pupils and teachers from primary school (1st to 4th grade) education, Annual bulletin of Faculty of philosophy, Skopje, 1997

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Scientific discussion on: Permanent education and learning at the beginning of 21st century as philosophic and pedagogic basis for the theory and practice in the field of education – title of the paper: Metodickite osnovi na permanentnoto obrazovanie (Methodological basis of permanent education), Skopje, 1996

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Symposium on modern social changes and the purpose of education in Republic of Macedonia – title of the paper: Ucebnicite i celta na vospitanieto (Reading books and the purpose of education), Struga, 1996

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Nastavnikot – realizator i kreator na pedagoskata dejnost vo ucilisteto, (The teacher – the implementer and creator of pedagogic activities in the school), Prosvetno delo br. 1/1995

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J., Symposium the “year of the family”- title of the paper: Uspehot na ucenicite vo nekompletnite semejni sredini, (The success of the pupils coming from incomplete family environments), Skopje 1994

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Symposium on 25th anniversary of introduction of the pedagogy-psychology service in R. Macedonia – title of the paper: Pedagogot pomegju semejstvoto i ucilisteto (The Pedagogue between family and school), Skopje, 1994

Delceva- Dizdarevik, J, Podgotovka na ucitelski i nastavnicki kadri vo prviot period po osloboduvanjeto na Makedonija (1944-1958) (Preparation of teachers in the first period after the war (1944-1958), published in Annual bulletin of the Faculty of philosophy. Skopje, 1994


Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј.,, Дидактика на јазично подрачје во оснoвното образование (Didactic of mothers language in elementary school), АД Просветно дело, 2004

Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ, Aјде да учиме да читаме (Let’s learn to read), АД Просветно дело, 2006

Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ,, Ајде да учиме да пишуваме (Let’s learn to write), АД Просветно дело, 2006

Делчева- Диздаревиќ, Ј., Делчев Ѓ, Прирачник за наставници (Guide for teachers), АД Просветно дело, 2006

dr Jasmina Delčeva - Dizdarević